temBoard installation from rpm package on RHEL / CentOS 6 and later

Package repository setup

The following YUM repository are required to install temboard:

RHEL / CentOS 6

Install the packages.temboard.io repository by creating the /etc/yum.repos.d/temboard.repo file with the following contents:

name=temBoard Packages for Enterprise Linux 6

The packages available from packages.temboard.io relies on the EPEL repository (see Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux). The easiest way to setup this repository is to use the epel-release package:

# rpm -ivh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-6.noarch.rpm

Finally, the PostgreSQL packages from RHEL / CentOS 6 being too old, you need to add the YUM repository of the PostgreSQL Global Development Group, from yum.postgresql.org. Here is an example to install PostgreSQL 9.5, you should check the site and use the latest production version of PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL 9.5 or newer is required:

# rpm -ivh https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/9.5/redhat/rhel-6-x86_64/pgdg-centos95-9.5-2.noarch.rpm

RHEL / CentOS 7

Install the packages.temboard.io repository by creating the /etc/yum.repos.d/temboard.repo file with the following contents:

name=temBoard Packages for Enterprise Linux 7

The packages available from packages.temboard.io relies on the EPEL repository (see Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux). The easiest way to setup this repository is to use the epel-release package:

# rpm -ivh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

Finally, the PostgreSQL packages from RHEL / CentOS 7 being too old, you need to add the YUM repository of the PostgreSQL Global Development Group, from yum.postgresql.org. Here is an example to install PostgreSQL 9.5, you should check the site and use the latest production version of PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL 9.5 or newer is required:

# rpm -ivh https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/9.5/redhat/rhel-7-x86_64/pgdg-centos95-9.5-2.noarch.rpm


With the YUM repositories set up, temBoard can be installed with yum:

# yum install temboard

The database access must be set up otherwise the temboard service will not start. See doc/temboard-repository-setup.md.

Firewall and SELinux

temboard works well with the default enforced configuration of SELinux.

To access the temboard web UI, you may need to configure the firewall to allow access on TCP port 8888, which is the default port. It can be configured in /etc/temboard/temboard.conf, see doc/temboard-configuration.md.


Important files and directories

  • /etc/temboard: stores the temboard.conf configuration file and SSL certificates
  • /var/log/temboard: stores the logs
  • /var/run/temboard: stores the PID file


On RHEL / CentOS 6:

# service temboard start

On RHEL / CentOS 7:

# systemctl start temboard

Start at boot time

On RHEL / CentOS 6:

# chkconfig temboard on

On RHEL / CentOS 7:

# systemctl enable temboard


On RHEL / CentOS 6:

# ps auxf | grep temboard

On RHEL / CentOS 7:

# systemctl status temboard

Reload configuration

On RHEL / CentOS 6:

# service temboard reload

On RHEL / CentOS 7:

# systemctl reload temboard


On RHEL / CentOS 6:

# service temboard stop

On RHEL / CentOS 7:

# systemctl stop temboard